Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Christmas Better Late Then Never

So as most of you know we moved to a new house in January and because of that and the craziness of Christmas I've slacked on updating our blog. But I have the Internet now and I'm going to try to catch up. So here's our Christmas in a nutshell.

The kick off to the Christmas season. The day after Thanksgiving we put up our tree. Sophia was a big help fluffing the tree.

She loves all the glittery ones. They eventually were all moved to the top of the tree after a couple ornaments broke
Her Great Grandma got her that. It's a toy that teaches the alphabet and a little Japanese. But she thinks it's her personal computer. She calls it her puter. When we're on the computer she'll sit next to us and pretend to work.

She didn't know why she was sticking her hand in there.

She's so excited she's shaking

She didn't want to go near her bike at first. But after I forced her to get on it she loved it. Not quite the reaction I was expecting. But she liked it eventually

Loves her lip gloss. What a girl
It's her favorite book "No David". I love her little smile
This is from her Uncle Shim and Aunt Lisa. She laid there and drew all morning. Then Chris and I played with it. It's fun to draw on!

She loves to draw and color. She couldn't pull it out from under the tree fast enough.

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