Friday, April 29, 2011

I got the news back

This morning I got a call from my desensitized dermatologist. Her assistant called and told me the biopsy came back irregular. So she said they would like to send me to a specialist at the UofU. So I am trying to not panic. I just wonder why they need to send me to a specialist. When my sister in-laws mole came back irregular her Dr. cut out a little more of her skin to make sure they got it all and stitched her up. So why do I need to go to a specialist? Unless it's worse then we thought. I'm hoping maybe because it's on my face she's trying to be a little more careful so I don't have a huge scar for no reason. So I have my appointment on Monday. Hopefully everything will be fine. But I'll let you all know how it goes when I'm done.

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